2014.12.28 – Budgeting All Day

I woke up to another day of working on the budget with Andrew. It’s soooooo tedious! Wayne, Jordan and Natale got ready and went to retrieve more firewood from the neighbor. Lauren and Sean went along as well.

They made a few trips and we invested hours into parsing and categorizing data. It sucked but finally it was time for lunch so I made some sandwiches while Andrew kept at it. The wood gatherers returned and were really hungry as well so I made sandwiches for everyone.

As we were finishing up lunch yet another person posted free firewood. They were very close and this wood was cut and seasoned! Wayne and Jordan took off to get it in spite of being ridiculously sore. What good guys! Andrew and I went back to the stupid budget. We got it all pretty much figured out except for January – April. Hmmm…we were missing bank statements but that’s when we switched our checking account to a trust account. Well crap! I would just have to call the bank on Monday and hope they have the data somewhere.

Wayne and Jordan came back with another truck full of wood. As they were just finishing up stacking it, Spencer messaged to say they were about five minutes from home. They were back from their trip to Arizona and needed some help unloading their trailer. Off Wayne and Jordan went to help! Those poor guys. Wayne did let me know that we are set for wood for next winter though 🙂

I had decided to make minestrone soup and bread sticks for dinner so I got the dough rising while the guys were gone. Wayne called and asked me for a list so he could stop at the store and get the other things I needed. They got home pretty quickly and I got dinner going while they showered and relaxed with a well deserved beer.

Dinner was delicious! I am not sure if I’ve ever made minestrone soup before but it was really easy. I used a pizza dough recipe for the bread sticks and they were a little light to me so I’ll try a different recipe next time. We all ate far too much food.

Dinner was done and it was time for me to head to a quiet spot so I could take a phone call. Erica Melzer from Lady Loves Tech wanted to interview me about the Ascend Project and learning to code as a woman and mom. We had a great talk and I hope we can meet up one of these days.

It was getting late but we still needed to sit down together and talk about our spending habits, what we could change, and what each of us needs in order to feel happy. I mentioned the things I knew I could do and the guys thought they were reasonable. We all agreed that we need to stop eating out. That will be a tough one to do here in Portland with so much good food! Wayne doesn’t really ask for much at all so he was just going to try and be more frugal with grocery shopping. Andrew said he would be more particular about gadget purchases and would maybe just go downtown one day per week. Wayne and I said we were happy and didn’t need more time off but Andrew definitely needs more down time so we need to figure out how to schedule some of that for him on a regular basis.

Today I learned that it’s more complicated to record a phone call than I had imagined.

2014.12.27 – Saturday Feels Like Sunday

I had to get up earlyish and get my hair cut and colored. I love getting my stupid grey hair covered up. It looks great on Wayne but I’m not ready for it at all. Maybe because Andrew looks so young. People already think I’m his mom! It’s ridiculous.

After my haircut I went over to Whole Foods to get our neighbor, Glenn, a birthday card. While I was there I grabbed several things I didn’t even know I needed and of course they were all heavy. At least I grabbed a hand basket this time.

I came home and had a quick breakfast before settling in to work a few hours. I spent the entire time reading different opinions and methods of maintaining the same code base in both Python 2 and 3. This feels like the ticket that will never end and I’m pretty sure I’m over thinking its simplicity.

After I was done working, Andrew and I sat down to do a budget. Bleh, our favorite thing ever….I grabbed data from the various sources and all of them are in really shitty formats. Do they not even think about how people might need to use this data? I guess not. We spent HOURS parsing the data and getting things all categorized. We didn’t even get to the part where we come up with a budget for next year. This all should help with upcoming taxes though so that will be nice. I’d like to say I will just update the budget data every month next year but I already know that won’t happen.

Meanwhile someone posted more free firewood on Nextdoor. This time it was just sitting out for anyone to come and grab so time was of the essence. Of course Wayne was horribly sore from his full day of moving firewood but he’s awesome and hopped in the truck to go get more. There were other people there already with a big truck and four men but as is typical of Portland they shared with him.

We decided on an easy dinner of mac n’ cheeze, mixed veggies and bread. It’s just one of those meals I ate a lot as a kid and will probably always love. After dinner it was back to the budget. I’m excited to do better next year and am looking forward to coming up with a plan to save some money. Certain expenses are not negotiable though like food for Dinner Night! I have been thinking about small changes I can make though like:

  • No new tea until I drink what I have.
  • Not buying ANY books. I have a huge pile I haven’t read and libraries exist for a reason.
  • Packing a lunch or going hungry if I forget. I probably won’t forget 🙂
  • No buying things on a whim just to try (like those things they sample at New Seasons.)
  • Figuring out what to cook at home instead of eating out.
  • Only buying things I need and taking 24 hours to consider the purchase of something I would like to have.

It’s a start but we’ll have a firmer plan tomorrow hopefully.

Today I learned that I can upload my DNA profile to GEDMatch and compare it with distant relatives. Neat!

2014.12.26 – Pizza Friday

I slept in really late considering how early I went to be the night before. It felt great though. I got up, showered and dressed so I could get a half day of work in. Andrew was planning to do the same. I was going to have a healthy breakfast but chose some chocolate chip cookies instead. They were delicious!

I logged on to my work laptop and started reading about Python 2 and 3 compatibility. Soon after, someone posted free firewood on Nextdoor. We are always looking to take leftovers of someone’s recent tree removal but free firewood goes really fast. I messaged immediately and I was first. She had a really old walnut tree that was all cut down and sectioned. Perfect! I asked Wayne if he wanted it and he did for sure. I messaged Taylor to see what he was doing and if he would bring his truck and come help. He agreed.

Dave messaged me about this time to let me know he was on his way over. I wasn’t sure if we were going to hang out today or Saturday but I guess it was today. I definitely wouldn’t be able to help with the firewood. Wayne and the boys headed over there though and worked all day loading it and bringing truckloads home.

Dave and I went to City Liquidators because he had never been. Everyone needs to experience it at least once though! He thought it was “interesting” 🙂 I told him that Alice says to make sure one knows where all exits and fire extinguishers are located because that place is just a tragedy waiting to happen. I can’t really disagree!

We went to Lemongrass Thai for lunch. Neither of us had ever been but he heard great things about it. It’s in a wonderful old house. We both ordered and I asked for my food with a bit of spice. Dave said he wanted his very spicy and the man said, “We have heat levels from 1-10. 3 is the hottest you can get anywhere else in Portland.” Dave asked for a 3.

Our food came and Dave took a bite of his. He said it was HOT. Not too hot but almost as hot as the food Andrew gets from Chez Dodo. That’s pretty hot. Our food was wonderful. I definitely want to take Andrew and see if he can handle a 4. I’ve never seen him react in a painful way to spicy food so this will be interesting.

After lunch Dave and I went to Eastside Deli near our house to get sandwiches for my hard working guys. They make quite a substantial sandwich but I got them all 12″ subs because I figured they worked up quite an appetite. They thought the same but none of them could eat more than half.

I got back to work while they ate and worked until about 20:00. That was more than a half day for sure but I felt no further along with this Python 2/3 thing at all. Ugh! I’m going to have to ask for help and I don’t want to!

Since our main chef was completely exhausted we decided to get Handsome Pizza for dinner. I love ordering and just being completely surprised at how they decide to make it. I will sure miss them when they move! Wednesday is their last day 🙁

Our pizzas were yummy! One was red sauce topped with onions, spicy peppers and kale. The other had kale, pumpkin seeds and butternut squash sauce. We ate quickly and Andrew made popcorn to take across the street. Yep another movie. That Alice is a bad influence I tell ya! We watched Saving Mr. Banks. It was really good. I’m not a fan of Walt Disney at all but the story, although mostly fiction, about P.L. Travers was great so I focused on that.

Today I learned that P.L. Travers was originally from Australia and according to her grandchildren “died loving no one and with no one loving her.”

2014.12.21 – Work and More Work

It’s Sunday but I’m trying to get my whole 40 hours this week even though we have three mandatory days off without pay. This internship is short term and it’s been nice having a paycheck so I’m trying to make the very most out of it. That being said, I was up, dressed and on my work laptop at 08:30.

This next ticket has me moving a feedback function from one file to another where it makes more sense. The function currently provides feedback for device tokens but I needed to also add support for APIDs so it seemed like the best thing to do was to put it in its own class and make a couple of methods for device token and APID feedback.

Knowing what should be done was easy. Knowing how to do it, not so much. I hope this is normal but it feels like each new ticket requires massive mental gymnastics. Some stuff is definitely easier but I still seem to progress fairly far with my code and then get stuck on something I can’t get beyond without help.

I did manage to get all of the code and tests written and made progress on the documentation although that is still quite the challenge for me. I have no idea the best way to word stuff. Oh well, I’ll get help with that tomorrow. I finished up at about 19:30 and went to help with dinner.

Lauren wanted tofu scramble, fried potatoes and vegan sausage breakfast burritos. I always make the scramble so I got that going while Wayne handled everything else. We ate dinner and then it was time to stop thinking. I read Red Mars until bedtime. I really need to finish that book!

Today I learned about Mock’s assert_called_with that I needed for a test.

2014.12.20 – Ignorance Is Not in Fact Bliss….It’s Just Ignorance

It was actually stormy today. It seemed like a great day to stay in and work on my Mozilla bug. I didn’t have any other plans but lunch with Dave later so I grabbed my tea and laptop and got to work. Luckily, Peter had given me some really great pointers in a comment on the bug so I knew where to begin. I had to do a ton of “find and replace” but I think it helped me improve my Vim skills.

Dave came over early to work with Andrew on his new test server. He had been working on it for a couple of days now and was also building a new file server for home. They were busy with that and I was buried in my bug until well past lunchtime. We all decided it was food time so Wayne, Dave, Andrew and I braved the, not bad at all, rain and walked over to the Thai place around the corner. It was yummy but my food was just a bit too spicy for me. We came back home and Wayne and I immediately headed to Fred Meyer to get some stuff for dinner. We ended up getting some Christmas presents as well.

When we got back home I decided to read through my Twitter feed and someone posted something with the #BenevolentRacism hashtag and strongly suggested white people read through it. I’m white, married to two white men, 99% white friends, watch movies and tv shows that reflect my whiteness right back to me, lived in a very white, conservative city for the last 25 years, in all that time never heard the term “social justice”, had no idea that was even a thing and currently live in a city that is so much more white than I realized before moving here. Yeah I was pretty sure I needed to be reading through that timeline.

The whole thread was upsetting but certain things really stood out to me so I re-tweeted them. It’s not a thing I normally do because I’ve always been one to keep my mouth shut. I despise confrontation and hate making waves. I’ve been pretty pissed off though about this world I live in and pissed off at myself for not being an active voice in the things that upset me. The fear of making people mad at me even if they are a friend of a friend on Facebook has kept me from posting and replying to things I find disagreeable. But then I was reading a story about racism and white privilege and someone asked what they as a white person could do to help. The response was to stop doing nothing, stop biting your tongue, re-tweet that controversial tweet instead of just favoriting it, comment on posts you disagree with. Yeah! I’m totally going to do that! Aaaaaaaand I proceeded to immediately fuck up.

I re-tweeted something I took a certain way and being the ignorant white person that I am didn’t realize I was doing the exact thing I thought I was tweeting against. Yup, I’m just that talented. The result was that I upset someone I deeply respect and look up to. Not good! I apologized and then sat mortified for quite some time as I thought about things. I considered deleting Facebook, Twitter, this blog. “These are weapons I am not qualified to wield.” I thought. I finally, shamefully, confessed my stupidity to my husbands. Then Andrew said, “You are lucky they thought enough of you to say something and correct you.” And he’s right. They totally didn’t have to take the time to do that but they did and I’m so thankful.

So I think I’m going to keep posting and keep re-tweeting and read and learn and try my best not to fuck up but I’m human and ignorant about so many things so I’ll probably mess up again. It’s uncomfortable and frankly, terrifying and I’m glad because that’s where growth and change begin. I am writing this blog primarily for me (maybe my future relatives will find it interesting) and my plan is to start reading it daily a year from when I began. I hope the future me looks at the past me with kind but much wiser eyes.

Today I learned…..see above.

2014.12.14 – Oh Christmas Tree!

Today was really relaxing compared to yesterday. I slept in and stayed in my PJs for most of the morning. Around noonish I wandered over to Alice’s house and grabbed a few things she was giving away after cleaning out their spare room.

Wayne and Jordan spent most of the day putting Christmas lights on the house. That looked like a LOT of work but the house looks great. Well considering it’s not a great looking house to begin with. Oh well, someday!

Andrew and I left in the early evening to go to the liquor store. It’s still so strange to me that we have to do that in Oregon. It makes buying alcohol feel bad somehow. Of course that doesn’t stop us! We went to a couple of stores looking for a blanket for Andrew. We’ve had our giant comforter on the bed but I sleep in the middle and was ridiculously hot and uncomfortable every night. We took it off the bed and I have slept all night without kicking off the covers but of course now he’s freezing. No luck at Target or Pier One Imports so we headed for Lloyd Center Mall. I know, I know…..the mall just before Christmas?? But it wasn’t bad at all. We found a blanket and a new pillow for me (I’m on a quest for the perfect pillow).

We got home just as Wayne and Jordan were finishing up the lights. They looked exhausted but I still asked if we could go get a tree. If we didn’t do it then it would probably end up being another week before we had time and then it would be too close to Christmas and blah, blah, blah so he tiredly agreed. Wayne, Andrew, Jayde, Natale and I piled in the truck and went to the tree lot. We found our tree in less than five minutes which is totally unheard of for us and we were on our way home.

2014-12-15 18.58.11

Wayne dropped Andrew, Jayde and I off at La Bonita so we could grab some burritos for dinner. They were yum! We watched some strange British sci-fi show that I mostly slept through.

Today I learned that my new pillow sucks!


2014.12.07 – Errands with the Kids

It was a very quiet Sunday for the most part. I relaxed in the morning by catching up on my Twitter feed. There was no lack of interesting stuff to read. Lauren wanted to upgrade her phone so she, Jordan, and I headed to the Sprint store. The process was relatively easy and we were out of there pretty quickly. Her phone is on back order for a month though! Silly iPhone users. We also went up to 23rd so she could run in to Lush.

Jordan and I sat in the car and talked while we waited for her. He had applied and would be interviewing at PDX Code Guild the following day so he was curious about what they might expect of him. I told him I wasn’t really sure since the school is totally different now but that they have excellent instructors and offer a great learning trajectory.

We were all hungry so we decided to go to Por Que No? for lunch. It was a bit more crowded than we had anticipated for that hour but not too bad. We got a nice table in the back and had a great lunch.

When we got home I read a bit of Red Mars. I hope I finish it someday since I only get to read a few pages here and there. I read quite a bit before dinner was ready though. I wasn’t too hungry since we had a late lunch so I only had a small plate. Wayne made vegan fish stick things and they were so gross. I can’t stand seafood so I had the not-chicken nuggets.

I looked over the pull request from Friday to see if I could find my mistake and fix it so it would be ready to go on Monday but I saw what I thought was the correct test. I commented back and asked if everything was ok after all and got a message right back saying that yes, it was in fact good to go! Yay!

After dinner I watched a few more episodes of The Big Bang Theory. Andrew finally got done with his side project so he, Wayne, and I watched Theory of Everything. It was pretty good. The actor did a fantastic job of playing Stephen Hawking!

Today I learned that code reviewers can make mistakes. It makes me feel less stressed about everything.

2014.12.05 – A Surprising End to a Busy Week

Today would complete my first week at Urban Airship. It really flew by! I got a great nights sleep and was feeling much better after my super blah day yesterday. I was going to go in early again with Andrew but he decided to stay home so Wayne drove me down and I got there just before 09:00. Amanda was working away at the desk and everyone looked pretty intent on what they were doing so I slipped into the glass office and got to work.

There was some confusion over the tickets we were working on so I started a different one dealing with accepting 200 and 201 http status codes when a device token is registered. Currently there is an error when a 200 occurs. This ended up being a bit of a yak shave since I’m new and don’t know the system. I had to start from the point of error and work my way backwards.

I had to send v1 API requests (UA is on v3) via curl. Well what’s the syntax for that? I asked in one of the Slack channels and another employee gave me a whole page of various v1 requests. Great! But what’s “master authorization string”? Got that clarified. Great! Well crap, I need the device token so I need an iOS test device. Obtained iOS test device. Great! Do I need to install a dev kit for this and configure it? Looks like it’s already set up. Great! How do I get the device token? Read lots of docs and find three somewhat complicated methods. Well this is going to be a pain. Mele comes to check on us so I ask her and she says those methods are for external users but I can just go to the “tokens” link in one of the test apps. Doh! But yay! I send my request and get back a 200. Hmmm…that’s good right? The CE and Support teams are oddly quiet and we hear they are working on something critical so I am at a blocking point. No problem since there is plenty for me to work on and learn.

I open the ticket from yesterday which involved removing some old code. I’ve gotten a lot better at searching from the command line so it was a fairly quick process to find the code to remove and the tests to update. I worked through this and then ran tests. One was failing. Hmmm….ok. I looked everything over but it seemed ok. I undid my changes and the tests passed. I started over removing the code and the test was failing again. The failure was due to an invalid argument that had seemingly nothing to do with the code I was removing so I was pretty confused. I dug around and finally figured out that there was a build directory that is generated when setup.py develop is run. There was a file in there that was causing the test failure! I deleted the directory and everything was fine.

Mele has put out her fire and it’s 16:30, demo time. We wander to the Hangar and listen to the presentations. I don’t understand a lot of them but Mele fills me in as best she can. After demos we head back to the CE area and I ask Mele about the previous ticket so I can move forward with it. She says I need to now go into iPython and load the library then send the request from there. Off to figure that out! It was pretty self explanatory but I was making some syntax errors that Mele pointed out. Whew! Things work so much better with the proper syntax. She also showed me how to build the docs in Sphinx and then parse them for any references to code I had removed for the other ticket. There weren’t any so I felt ready to submit a pull request on that one. She went over their procedure and I submitted it. It was late and a PR needs to people to review it and give it a +1 before it can be merged so it would have to wait until Monday. All in all I felt I had accomplished a good amount for my first week so I wished everyone a good weekend and headed out.

Mozilla was having their closing party at 18:00 and Lukas said I was invited so I thought it would be nice to see my mentors one last time before they all head home. Lukas had said it was at the art museum again so I headed for the street car….and just missed it! Oh well. It would be only slightly slower to just walk even though it was pretty far away.

I zig-zagged my way there and other people were also arriving. They all seemed to be dressed in very fancy clothes but I was told to wear whatever was comfortable. I went in and said to the front desk person that I was there for the Mozilla party. He looked very confused and said there was no Mozilla party. Well then…..I messaged Lukas but got no response. At about this time Barbara pinged me on IRC and asked if I was going to the party. It turns out the party was actually at Pure Space clear back where I had come from! I briefly considered just going home but it looked like the streetcar would take me pretty much where I needed to be.

I walked around the corner to the stop and a car came pretty quickly. As I walked toward the event I saw lots of activity, and several travel trailers parked outside. I could hear bagpipes and saw fire. The Unipiper was there! He was outside, dressed in his Darth Vader costume and people were taking lots of pictures of him. I went in and gave my name. Lukas said I was on the list but I worried I wasn’t going to be. There I was! I got my hand marked, checked my coat and backpack, grabbed a soda and headed for the food! There was amazing food everywhere. I was pretty hungry so piled up my plate and then looked for a table. I found a spot with Richard and tried talking to him over the very loud music while I ate. He left and I wandered off to mingle. I soon found Peter so we hung out and talked for a while and then Barbara showed up. I went with her while she got food and ate and then we found Lukas. She introduced us to several people and it was really nice to put faces with names I had seen often. About this time I got an email from Mele. I had deleted a test we needed so my PR couldn’t be merged. Darn! Had this been my first PR I probably would have been mortified at making a mistake but I’d already submitted several for Mozilla and never had one completely right the first time around. I was totally ok knowing I could fix it on Monday. Progress!

Alice had messaged to see if we all wanted to watch a movie at her house at 20:45. It was going to be Expendables 3. It sounded like a pixar film or maybe some movie based on a comic book. I had no idea but it sounded ok to me. I didn’t need to stay too late. I asked if Wayne would come and get me at 20:30 so at about 20:20 said goodbye to everyone and went to coat check. The woman said, “You really don’t want to leave.” She said there was going to be entertainment and I probably really wanted to stay for it. I asked her who would be performing and she couldn’t tell me but assured me I should stay. Ugh, Wayne was not going to be happy! I got my backpack anyway and ran it out to him telling him I was actually going to stay. He wasn’t thrilled but I told him I would figure out how to get home so he didn’t have to come back. I kissed him and went back in. This had better be worth it! I had a strong feeling it would be based on the fancy trailers outside and the high security inside.

Barbara and I mingled around until about 20:45 and then planted ourselves at the very front of the stage. If I was going to stay I was not going to get stuck behind anyone and not be able to see! Soon the CEO of Mozilla came out and thanked several people and made several toasts. He congratulated the team that worked for months to secure the new search partnership with Yahoo! and then the woman who headed up that team came out to announce the entertainment. She talked about how Mozilla is the independent choice and then said something about how these artists were also independent. It HAD to be Macklemore and Ryan Lewis! And it was! They put on such a great show and I got to be right up front for the entire thing. I was so glad I stayed.

2014-12-05 21.12.41

2014-12-05 21.12.37

2014-12-05 21.06.17

Once it was over I headed upstairs with Barbara. Lukas was up there and shuffled us, Yenni, Dino, Christie and someone else to be in a silly picture together. Andrew messaged to say he was on his way so I rushed over to the coat check area and it was complete madness! I handed someone my ticket and waited and waited and waited. It was such a mess of confusion. Andrew was outside and I was still waiting. After a bit the coat check people just wheeled all the coat racks out into the crowd and people started going through them themselves. I had very little confidence I’d be finding mine because it seemed people were going through the coats and just picking something that looked like it would fit. Ugh, but at least I had sent my backpack home with Wayne earlier. I searched and searched with no luck and then heard “I found it! I found it!” and the woman I had given my ticket to forever ago was coming my way with my coat and scarf! I gave her a huge hug and rushed out the door to a soaking wet and waiting Andrew.

Today I learned about curling API requests and building docs in Sphinx. I also learned I can do this. I AM doing this.

2014.11.30 – The Day Before UA

Everything was frosted over this morning so I was not the least bit interested in going for a walk/run. Instead I headed for my laptop with the yummy chai Andrew made for me and caught up on my Twitter feed. I follow so many interesting people who post so many interesting things! I read a bit of Red Mars until Lauren came inside and put on Masterchef Junior. Holy crap, those kids are incredible cooks! They were between the ages of nine and thirteen and the complexity of their dishes was just ridiculous.

Andrew wanted to walk over to Mr. Green Beans and get coffee beans to roast and also get some lunch. It was so cold and windy outside but I told him I would go with him. I got all bundled up and we headed out. I whined and complained for the first five minutes or so because it was really cold. I persevered though and got used to it. Andrew and I both thought about going to Por Que No? for lunch so we wandered all the way down Mississippi. There was a bit of a line out the door but that’s very typical of the place so we made the best of it and were ordering and seated in no time. I got the vegan bowl with fresh corn tortillas and Andrew ordered the vegan tamale plate. He let me try his tamales and I have to say they were the best I have ever had. My food was excellent as always. We had a really nice lunch and Andrew gave me a pep-talk about my new adventure at Urban Airship that would be starting the following day.

We walked up to Mr. Green Beans and I looked at all of the cool stuff while Andrew picked out the beans he wanted. He ended up with about twelve pounds various types of beans. I am not a coffee drinker but all of the gadgets are so fascinating. I’d love to get a coffee syphon one of these days because they look like labware. We walked up Mississippi and stopped in a couple of interesting looking stores on the way. The walk was a bit warmer going home because we were mostly walking with the wind. It was wonderful to be back inside the warm house though!

I grabbed my tea and read a couple of news articles and then Lauren came in so we could watch more of those incredible child chefs. Tiberias wanted to Skype with Lauren and I so we talked as well as can be expected with an excited three year-old. We even played some strange version of hide and seek. He was entertained 🙂

Andrew had gone to The Lucky Labrador to meet Dave so they could talk about building a home file server so Wayne and I came up with French Toast as our dinner plan. Alice messaged and wanted to watch a movie afterward but Andrew didn’t come home in time so I watched more Big Bang Theory. Well that’s it for mindless television for a while. I sure did enjoy it though!

Tomorrow is the day……

Today I learned that food tastes different in space due to the way liquids circulate in the body in zero gravity and also because a lot of the food is sucked out of a pouch so there are no food molecules circulating in the air. When the food is not in a pouch the molecules tend to scatter in all directions rather than up toward the nose as happens on Earth. Or something like that 🙂

2014.11.29 – Birthday Celebration for Alice

I woke up early and felt somewhat motivated to go for a run/walk. Andrew was just about to head out the door for his run so I asked Wayne if he wanted to join me. He did and we also brought Penny, the dog we are caring for. It was pretty cold outside but nice and it wasn’t supposed to rain. We decided to go out to the bluff and back. It was coooooold so I wanted to run. I am so out of shape so I ended up doing more walking than running. It started to sprinkle just as we were getting back home so it was perfect!

I sat around and caught my breath and then showered and dressed. I didn’t do a whole lot of anything important for most of the morning. Jason came over in the afternoon and asked us to help decide what to do for Alice’s birthday celebration that evening. We decided to make her Tiramisu and order pizza. We had a very brief flurry of snow while we were talking and then the clouds went away and the sky was clear blue. I just love it here!

We needed vegan whipped cream so Wayne and I ran out to Whole Foods and got what we needed. When we returned I made the vegan marscapone and had Jayde make a yellow cake baked extra long in a think layer as a substitute for the lady fingers.

I watched a few episodes of Big Bang Theory, drank some hot, white tea and then took a nap with the cat curled up on my chest. It was an awesome lazy afternoon! Jason, Alice and Laura came over and told us the pizza place was closed. Oops! I think I knew that at some point but totally forgot. We ended up ordering several dishes from Mee Dee Thai around the corner.

After dinner Jason gave Alice her gift of a new Macbook Air. We had Tiramisu and then headed over to their house to watch Evolution. I remembered it being a lot better than it actually was. I’d say it was slightly better than Ghostbusters and that movie sucked.

Today I learned that dying underarm hair is a thing.