2014.11.29 – Birthday Celebration for Alice

I woke up early and felt somewhat motivated to go for a run/walk. Andrew was just about to head out the door for his run so I asked Wayne if he wanted to join me. He did and we also brought Penny, the dog we are caring for. It was pretty cold outside but nice and it wasn’t supposed to rain. We decided to go out to the bluff and back. It was coooooold so I wanted to run. I am so out of shape so I ended up doing more walking than running. It started to sprinkle just as we were getting back home so it was perfect!

I sat around and caught my breath and then showered and dressed. I didn’t do a whole lot of anything important for most of the morning. Jason came over in the afternoon and asked us to help decide what to do for Alice’s birthday celebration that evening. We decided to make her Tiramisu and order pizza. We had a very brief flurry of snow while we were talking and then the clouds went away and the sky was clear blue. I just love it here!

We needed vegan whipped cream so Wayne and I ran out to Whole Foods and got what we needed. When we returned I made the vegan marscapone and had Jayde make a yellow cake baked extra long in a think layer as a substitute for the lady fingers.

I watched a few episodes of Big Bang Theory, drank some hot, white tea and then took a nap with the cat curled up on my chest. It was an awesome lazy afternoon! Jason, Alice and Laura came over and told us the pizza place was closed. Oops! I think I knew that at some point but totally forgot. We ended up ordering several dishes from Mee Dee Thai around the corner.

After dinner Jason gave Alice her gift of a new Macbook Air. We had Tiramisu and then headed over to their house to watch Evolution. I remembered it being a lot better than it actually was. I’d say it was slightly better than Ghostbusters and that movie sucked.

Today I learned that dying underarm hair is a thing.