2014.12.07 – Errands with the Kids

It was a very quiet Sunday for the most part. I relaxed in the morning by catching up on my Twitter feed. There was no lack of interesting stuff to read. Lauren wanted to upgrade her phone so she, Jordan, and I headed to the Sprint store. The process was relatively easy and we were out of there pretty quickly. Her phone is on back order for a month though! Silly iPhone users. We also went up to 23rd so she could run in to Lush.

Jordan and I sat in the car and talked while we waited for her. He had applied and would be interviewing at PDX Code Guild the following day so he was curious about what they might expect of him. I told him I wasn’t really sure since the school is totally different now but that they have excellent instructors and offer a great learning trajectory.

We were all hungry so we decided to go to Por Que No? for lunch. It was a bit more crowded than we had anticipated for that hour but not too bad. We got a nice table in the back and had a great lunch.

When we got home I read a bit of Red Mars. I hope I finish it someday since I only get to read a few pages here and there. I read quite a bit before dinner was ready though. I wasn’t too hungry since we had a late lunch so I only had a small plate. Wayne made vegan fish stick things and they were so gross. I can’t stand seafood so I had the not-chicken nuggets.

I looked over the pull request from Friday to see if I could find my mistake and fix it so it would be ready to go on Monday but I saw what I thought was the correct test. I commented back and asked if everything was ok after all and got a message right back saying that yes, it was in fact good to go! Yay!

After dinner I watched a few more episodes of The Big Bang Theory. Andrew finally got done with his side project so he, Wayne, and I watched Theory of Everything. It was pretty good. The actor did a fantastic job of playing Stephen Hawking!

Today I learned that code reviewers can make mistakes. It makes me feel less stressed about everything.