2014.11.05 – A Quiet Day

It was a cloudy but dry day so far. Wayne and I would be picking up Kronda and Jess from the airport in the afternoon so we decided to head to Costco for some things we needed before we went to the airport. It was amazingly uncrowded there! That was perfect though because we didn’t have a ton of time. We got most everything we needed and of course some things we didn’t and took the short drive to the airport. The flight was right on time and it was really nice to see their happy faces. They even brought us some gifts!

After dropping off Kronda and Jess we ran a few more errands and came back home. We were both starving so made a quick lunch and then I headed to my laptop, checked email, made some appointments, did a bit of banking and then started working on my bug.

Yesterday I moved on from trying to get my test video to show up on the Roku. That left very little to actually do for this bug fix so I made the code change and wrote a unit test for it. The tests passed and it looked good so I submitted a pull request. Peter wrote back right away with an addition he wanted so I quickly did that, modified the test and got the code pushed up again. Travis was happy and so was Peter so everything got merged. It’s amazing how one seemingly simple task, I didn’t really have to do to fix the bug, sidelined my progress for so long! I still want to figure out how to make the Roku display my video though.

Natale was sitting downstairs with me so I thought I would try to engage him in something fun and programming related. I had checked out codecombat.com several months ago and it was a great idea but didn’t have very many levels. We brought it up again and it definitely had improved. Still not a ton of levels but enough to maybe get him interested in learning some JavaScript. I got him started and only helped him when he felt stuck. He seemed to enjoy it.

We loved dinner so much yesterday that we decided to have it again. We had just enough left over to feed everyone. Alice joined us and then we went to her house and watched Jurassic Park. I sure didn’t remember Samuel L. Jackson being in it!

Today I learned the airport has food carts.