2014.11.03 – Air Mozilla and Roku

I tried to stay snuggled up in bed but my eyes were ready to be open so I got up and headed for my tea. I have the best intentions to start exercising again each morning but when it comes time to do it I don’t want to. I keep thinking I will come up with a schedule of exercise, drum practice, French lessons and coding but I seem to only fit in the coding so far.

So naturally I skipped everything and headed for my laptop. I have this bug I have been looking at for quite some time. It involves adding the event duration for events on the Air Mozilla Roku channel. We have a Roku device we hadn’t ever opened because we don’t really watch much television but I needed to mess with it so I got it all hooked up and then enabled developer mode on it. Once that was done I was able to side-load the Air Mozilla channel on to it from the repository. Neat! I could then telent into the Roku and watch the debugger as I navigated around in the channel. Cool! All of this is completely new to me so it took some time to grasp exactly what was going on but once I did it was pretty uncomplicated.

I decided to make my own test channel and see if I could side-load it as well and get it to come up on the box. I had to create the proper directory structure but only needed a couple of files to make it actually work. I zipped them up and loaded the zip file. The Roku automatically reloaded and bam! There was my channel. Not very exciting at all but it was very interesting to see how it’s done.

Once I was done playing with that I went back to the bug. I needed some sample video to add to an event. Luckily Peter had a sample video and the documentation for adding it already written up so I followed the instructions and could get it playing on my laptop but it was not being seen in the channel.xml file. I messed with it for quite some time but it was time for dinner and a movie with Alice afterward. Jason is in Nova Scotia this week.

Wayne and Alice made yummy chili dogs and then we watched Lady in the Water. It was really strange and funny. I think we all enjoyed it.

Today I learned how to create a test Roku channel.