2015.02.04 – Burning Man 2015?

The whole house was up and getting ready early this morning. So much activity! I talked with Lauren, Jordan, Natale and Jayde before they each left for school/work and then grabbed my tea and got going. Andrew hasn’t been feeling well so he was dragging this morning. Lots of coughing, sneezing and he also had a headache. He still pushed through and started working.

I tried working on my project but it seemed my entire day was full of interruptions. Wayne was geared up and isolated in the yellow room removing the walls so we left him alone. Andrew was too sick to manage making lunch and wanted a burrito so I ran to get that, Lauren was having a horrible day so asked if I could heat up some food for her to grab, Jordan needed a ride home. I messaged Peter and told him I wouldn’t be making our afternoon meeting and he was fine with that so I didn’t stress too much. I can try again tomorrow.

Today was the Burning Man Directed Group Sale of tickets. All three of us signed up to purchase some so we can get enough tickets for the Playa Post Office. Our friend Nick is the organizer and had a terrible time getting enough tickets for his group. Maybe people aren’t as into Burning Man this year but we had no trouble getting two tickets each. It was weird. I don’t think we are going to be able to attend though. We are planning a two week road trip to Calgary so Andrew can participate in another OpenBSD Hackathon and that’s in July. I’m hoping to have a full-time job by then and asking for two weeks in July and another two weeks in August is probably not the best idea. We’ll get back one of these days though.

Today I learned that organizers would rather cancel an entire event than exclude a speaker that has been accused of a heinous crime. Seems common sense not to invite someone to speak at an event who is under current investigation.