2015.02.05 – Lots of Django

I’ve decided to work at the Mozilla office as much as possible from now on. I am getting so distracted at home with all that is going on there. Mozilla has provided such a nice space so there is no reason I shouldn’t utilize it.

Wayne dropped me off and then took Jordan to school. The office was so nice and quiet. I got all settled in, poured some tea, put on my headphones and some music and got to work. It’s amazing how much I got done!

Kronda came down in the afternoon and Christie was working in the office so the three of us worked together and talked about life and stuff. It was really nice and I still managed to get stuff accomplished. Awesome!

I had a meeting with Peter and he helped me figure out my many confusions. That helped me do even more. I can see how much stuff I don’t understand but at the same time I’m learning a ton. It’s such an interesting mix of feeling accomplished and incompetent all at the same time.

Wayne picked me up and I was barely home before it was time for Andrew and I to head to the PLUG meeting. Louis K was giving a talk about setting up a home mail server. It was interesting and I was able to keep working during the meeting. It sure doesn’t feel like work though. It feels like pure learning and I love learning.

We got home kind of late but Wayne had made Chick’n Noodle soup for dinner and it was still warm. The kids were all in bed so the house was pretty quiet. The three of us caught up on each other’s days for a bit before heading off to bed.

Today I learned how Django urls really work.