2015.02.03 – Lots of Time, Little Progress

Today I got right to work on filling in my project structure. I set up the model but didn’t write a migration script just yet. I wanted to get the views built out but have to wrap my brain around what the views actually need to do. Peter sent me a sample POST request to get me started. That’s about the extent of my day. Lots of time spent on very few tasks. I guess this will improve as I learn and retain more. I hope!

Tonight was dinner night and we were having meatball subs. Wayne was tired and dirty from a day of more demo. He did find treasure though when he took down the false ceiling in the yellow room. The old fixture was still there! He went to take a shower so I got dinner started. Alice soon showed up and took over thank goodness. I had made some soy mozzarella cheese a couple of days prior knowing meatball subs were on the menu so that was handy. Tonight we had Dale, Miri, baby Michael, John, Spencer, Lauren, Sean and the six of us. The subs were great!

Today I learned that I screwed up on booking my flight to Montreal and won’t get there in time to talk at the Pycon Education Summit. My talk proposal wasn’t accepted or anything but now I’ll never know! At least I won’t have to worry about flights for next year I guess.