2015.01.08 – Stalled

It’s the day before my last and I’ve got my final PR submitted, one +1, and just need one more. A lot of people are out today, including Adam, to participate in building a house for Habitat for Humanity. I still posted in the Python Slack channel asking if anyone had time to look it over. Jessie decided to take a look at it and he didn’t seem to like much about it. He basically wondered why the module I added was even in there.

We went back and forth on a few things and finally Mele said it was ultimately up to Adam so we kind of left things at that and would wait for him to look at it tomorrow. That works for me! With that being settled sort of I really didn’t have anything to work on so I read some articles that people posted in Slack. This all pretty much took up the morning.

Amanda asked if I wanted to join her for lunch so the two of us headed to Tilt. They have an awesome vegan burger and their fries are tasty. We talked a lot about coding, life and the future. I kept getting distracted though by this guy sitting behind Amanda. He had ordered a burger (their burgers are very tall) and was trying to eat it with a fork. That doesn’t sound unreasonable but the way he was doing it was captivating and entertaining. He had cut a wedge out of this very tall burger and had squished it onto his fork so it looked like a Popsicle. It was a huge wedge though and he was trying to figure out how to take a bite. He would open his mouth and turn the burger this way and that in an attempt to get any portion of it in his mouth but was really having a difficult time of it. I wish I had a picture!

Anyway, after lunch I we came back and I worked on changing the documentation for the version bump that would hopefully happen before I left. Amanda did the last one so this one was for me to do. It would all depend upon her finishing her ticket though and she was having trouble. I did help her figure out some of her testing issues so hopefully she was moving ahead.

Jordan showed up and I gave him a tour of the space before he and I moved into the Hangar to wait for Andrew to be done working. Jordan was amazed that a place like this even existed. I told him that this was pretty typical of a tech company and was really hoping it would inspire him to try hard at the code school. He seemed inspired so we will see.

Andrew showed up and the three of us went to Los Gorditos for dinner. I wasn’t horribly hungry so I just got a couple of tacos that were delicious! After dinner we walked over to Portland Incubator Experiment (PIE) for the Perl Monger meeting. Jordan hadn’t been to a meetup and he, like me, knows nothing about Perl so I warned him that he might not understand a thing that was being said but that it’s good to immerse yourself in tech environments and to socialize with people. Networking is probably as important as learning new programming skills.

As expected the talk was way over our heads! Very mathy. Something about prime numbers and cryptography and blah, blah, blah. I stopped listening after a while but Jordan really tried. After the meeting we went to Fat Head Brewery and it was the perfect place for us. We had about 15 people and they had plenty of room for us. It was also not too loud so we could all talk and hear each other. We stayed and talked until nearly midnight! Luckily Wayne is a really good man and came to get us.

Today I learned about sqitch. I was chatting with the guy who developed it. It sounds like an interesting tool for database migrations.