2015.01.09 – Last Day at Urban Airship

Well it’s been a fantastic six weeks! I feel like I accomplished more than was hoped of me. I learned a ton and met some really wonderful people. My last day was a good one too. Adam looked over my PR and had a few suggestions. I made the changes and got a +1 so was able to merge that in. I pushed up the document changes for the version bump. I wouldn’t be getting to do the deployment though because Amanda is still not done with her ticket but oh well. On to new adventures!

Mele let me pick where the team lunch would be and I chose Boxer Ramen. It was SO good, again 🙂 I invited Lisa, the new data scientist, to join us. She is really nice. I hope we can keep in touch!

When we got back to the office I merged in my last PR and then really didn’t have anything else to do so I turned in my badge, gave Max, the new PSU intern, my desk and moved to the Hangar for my last hour. Zach and Jhenna were in there hanging out too. They asked if I had ever been to Blue Start Donuts but I said I didn’t think they had anything vegan. Jhenna looked it up and they do! I suggested we go there immediately! They just kind of laughed so I went back to whatever I was reading.

Adam came in shortly after and we talked a bit before Happy Hour. I was going to leave before it got going since Wayne was on his way to get me. As I was walking out Jhenna stopped me and said I couldn’t leave because they got me a going away donut. Aw! They snuck out and got them when I wasn’t paying any attention! They are too nice. Of course I had to stay for that! I watched everyone’s demos and then we headed back to the CE pod. They got me a vegan matcha donut and it was yum! I said my final goodbyes to the CE team, found Adam and thanked him and that was it.

Wayne picked me up and then we headed over to PDX Code Guild to pick up Jordan. We also stopped by Trader Joe’s so I could get some snack stuff to take on the plane. We would be flying all day starting at 06:00 and I wasn’t sure what kind of time/options we would have for food.

When we got home I needed to pack. Nothing like waiting until the last minute but I’d mostly be in the hotel room working anyway. I had purchased an outfit a couple of months ago to wear to the holiday party. I hadn’t ever tried it on though so I figured I should do that just in case it was horrible. Luckily it was just right!

Once I was packed we had a quick dinner and then it was early to bed. We had to be up at 03:30 and on our way by 04:00. Yuck.

Today I learned that I want to work in all of the places!