2015.01.07 – My Last Pull Request

It seems like I just started this internship and now it’s nearly over. I finished up my ‘actions’ ticket and submitted my pull request. I’m getting ahead of myself though. I was still stuck in the morning. I was pretty sure I knew how it all worked but my test wasn’t passing. I kept getting an error saying add_tag needed to be a string. I screwed around and screwed around reformatting things and trying this and that but that only led to different errors. What the heck?

I took a break from that and tried to help Amanda with her testing issues. She’s got one last thing to finish up and get merged before I can do a version bump. I’m hoping that all gets done before I leave or no version bumping for me. I was able to help with a couple of errors she was getting but she was still having issues and I couldn’t figure them out.

Lunch was catered today. It was really good. Some sort of kale, sweet potato, carrot mixture in a curry sauce over rice. There was some grilled tempeh as well and I tried it but I just don’t like tempeh.

After lunch I went back to working on my ticket. Why wasn’t it working??? I finally asked Adam if he would mind taking a look at it and helping me. He came right over and looked at what I was doing. I figured it was going to be something really simple and dumb and it was but he is SO patient and nice. He explained what I was doing incorrectly and didn’t make me feel dumb at all. Everyone I’ve worked with there is like that. Really helpful, patient and kind. I am super lucky I was able to do this internship.

Once that was figured out I was able to quickly get my test working, write some documentation and get it all pushed up to the dev repository. Mele had a few additions and suggestions so I got those fixed up and am now waiting for more comments or another +1. That’s it. That’s probably my last PR. I feel like I accomplished a lot while I was there and learned even more!

After I got my PR submitted I worked with the new intern, Max, and showed him the Python library. I talked about what I did to get up to speed on the APIs and we talked a bit about his background and what he was hoping to get out of the internship. He’s so excited to be at Urban Airship. I told him he was going to have a wonderful time and would learn a ton.

Wayne and Jordan picked me up and Jordan had some questions about stuff he was working on in class. It was fun and funny to see how I still get confused about things I learned in the earliest days of this coding adventure. Oh well 🙂

Today I learned that I just have to let some things go. Not everything in life is going to make sense and I just have to roll with it. I can try and seek out answers but when they don’t reveal themselves it’s time to move on. I hope a year from now I have absolutely no idea what I was even talking about 🙂