2005.01.06 – Must Stop Over Thinking Everything!

It’s really nice getting in to work a bit later in the morning. I’ve been getting in around 08:30 and then Wayne drops Jordan off at class. Jordan has only been going for two days but is enjoying it and is learning a lot. On our way to my office the fog was low over the river so the water was hidden. There were just the very tops of buildings and structures poking through. It was amazing!

I got a lot done on my ‘actions’ ticket but kept getting stuck on one particular thing. I must have read the documentation fifty times just trying to wrap my brain around how it works. An action payload requires the user to perform an action on their device in order for something to happen such as having a tag added or removed. There is a certain way to format the payload when sending an action to a device and I thought there were two different places where this could be done. Technically there are but the second place did not work the way I had been imagining it did. Finally I asked Mele to come look at stuff with me. Once she looked it over and refreshed her memory we were able to talk through how things really worked and I was able to plow ahead with my code. I was really over thinking the whole thing as usual. I’m close enough to done now though, that I’m thinking about the documentation portion of this task and I don’t like it any more than I have in the past. Bleh! But it’s part of getting things done. Hopefully I can get it all finished enough to push up and PR for comments.

Wayne and Jordan picked me up and as we were driving home over the Freemont Bridge the east side had just vanished in thick fog. It was so cool looking! I love how much the view changes from day to day here.

It was dinner night and Wayne was in charge of the “turning out” portion of making my sourdough bread. He did a fantastic job and it was just about ready to bake when we got home. Perfect timing! He was making a vegetable barley soup. He didn’t follow a recipe and just kind of seasoned it the way he thought would be good. It was excellent! Everyone loved it. The bread was also perfectly crunchy on the outside and sour and soft inside. Alice brought salad to complete a perfect meal. I brought out a jar of strawberry rhubarb jam I had canned over the summer to have on some bread as a dessert and wow, it was good! It was like eating summer. Yum! Tonight we had the six of us, Estelle, Roger, John, Spencer, Alice, Jason, Lauren, Sean, Taylor, and Delaney.

Today I learned how ‘actions’ really work.