2015.01.05 – Long Lost Cousin

It’s Monday. So begins my final week at Urban Airship. There are no holidays this week so I can work a normal 08:30 – 17:00. Today is also Jordan’s first day at PDX Code Guild. It’s the same book camp I went to but wow, have they improved! It was definitely the place I needed to be at the time and I sure wouldn’t be where I am now if I hadn’t gone there. Anyway I’m really excited for him and he’s really excited for him too 🙂

I got to work and the office was just busy, busy now that so many people are back from vacation. It was really nice to see people everywhere. I got back to work on my ‘actions’ ticket but Amanda had asked if I could help her with testing so I headed to the Hangar to help her out. By the time I got there though it was time for my 1-on-1 with Mele. We talked for a bit about how things are going and I told her how much I have enjoyed being there. She said to keep in touch when I’m done with Mozilla and I will most definitely be doing that. Hopefully they will have a place for me.

Most of the day was really working on ‘actions’ and Amanda’s testing. We got stuck on trying to import her new module and screwed around with it for quite some time before calling for some help. Adam came in and of course easily and quickly figured out the problem. There were two problems really. One was that the virtual environment wasn’t activated in the tab where she was trying to run the test. I sure never noticed but I definitely learned something there. Check that! Also, she had at one point installed the urbanairship library globally so when she tried running her script it was running that library that new nothing about her module. Learned something there as well!

Toward the end of the day I got a LinkedIn request from a name I didn’t recognize. Well I did recognize the first name, Angelina, but not the last. Hmmm…..I have only ever known ONE Angelina personally and that would be my cousin. Could it be her?? I took a chance and sent off a message. “Could this be my long lost cousin??” Sure enough it was her! Holy crap! We hadn’t spoken in like 28 years. I let her know I was at work but would call her that evening.

Wayne picked up Jordan and then me. Jordan was very excited about his day. He said he knew stuff and didn’t know stuff but learned stuff and liked it a lot so that was great! He wanted to show me some things when we got home. But first I called my cousin! She was doing really well, was married with two boys, 17 and 14. She was happy. We filled each other in for about two hours and promised to keep in touch. What a great day.

Wayne was making fajitas so I started helping him in the kitchen. He decided to cut up and cook some fresh jalapenos. This ended up being a horrible idea! We were all coughing and sneezing. Even Andrew, who was upstairs in his office, was choking and coughing while trying to talk to one of his contracts. Wayne stood over the stove, his face covered with a rag. Lily the dog was reverse sneezing. It was awful! We all recovered but as new people came in the door they immediately started choking and coughing. It was really ridiculous and funny too. Dinner was most excellent by the way.

After dinner I worked with Jordan on some things he didn’t understand. I found out how much I don’t understand too! Good times. I definitely had one of those, “I have no idea what I’m doing!” moments.

Today I learned to check for global package installations when having weird import errors. Really just make sure to do all Python dev inside of a virtual environment.