2014.11.19 – The Podcast

It was another beautiful morning in Portland. Still really cold in the house but I once again got out of our warm bed, avoided technology and did a little exercise. I felt extra cold so I spoiled myself with a really hot shower. It was wonderful. I checked my email and my phone and still hadn’t heard from Lukas. She has tons of meetings and other stuff to do so I wasn’t too worried. I knew she would get with me.

I went downstairs to have some breakfast and saw a tweet with my twitter handle mentioned. The podcast I was interviewed for was published! Yikes! I didn’t want to listen but had to listen but really didn’t want to listen but I had to. So Wayne and I listened and I kept looking at his face but it wasn’t saying much. I didn’t think I sounded too bad at all. I remember trying not to over think it and just relax and I think I did a pretty good job. After it completed Wayne had a big smile and told me how good it was and how proud of me he was. It wasn’t horrible so I felt ok retweeting it. Well now it was out there!

I pinged Lukas on IRC and we talked about my options with Urban Airship and OPW. She talked to Peter to see what he thought about things and he was fine with me starting later. Lukas then composed and sent an email to Marina, the administrator of OPW, to see what she thought.

Meanwhile I was contacting UA to work out logistics and see if they were willing to let us start earlier than 12/1. All of this just meant more waiting while things are figured out and coordinated. I felt SO much better knowing this could possibly all work out just fine but I was still pretty nervous about everything and was not really able to concentrate on my bug. I don’t even know what I did until lunchtime.

I ate lunch and then got some sourdough started so we could have fresh sourdough bread for dinner tomorrow. It’s cold in the house and I needed a warm place for it to bubble and “brew” for the next 15-18 hours or so. Wayne, clever as always, made me an impromptu warming cabinet utilizing an old dresser and my dehydrator base for generating heat. Perfect!

Amanda and I were wanting to go to a Treehouse Meetup to learn about functional programming in Python but she didn’t have a sitter. I told her I would ask Wayne about having her daughter stay here. He said it was just fine to have her so she’d come by before the meeting and we could ride over together. Adam, from Ascend, also wanted to go so he would meet us at my house as well. I was still too distracted to do anything useful so I have no idea what I did for the rest of my afternoon.

Jayde came home and started baking something in the kitchen. She said I couldn’t know what it was because it was a surprise. I kind of overheard bit and pieces of her conversation with everyone else who wanted to know what she was making so I had a pretty good idea what was going on and it sounded delicious!

Adam showed up and Amanda and child showed up shortly afterward. Amanda was worried that her daughter would want her to stay a bit to help her transition to being at our house but her daughter just wanted us to LEAVE! It was pretty adorable. We made it to the Treehouse office in plenty of time and it was a pretty interesting talk. We hung around after and chatted with some people before coming back to my house. I asked the presenter about list comprehensions and his explanation made things more clear. He is the Python guy for Treehouse so he’s very busy but is working on more classes. He is going to be releasing a Regex series next month. I’m really looking forward to that!

Wayne had made burritos for dinner and kept everything hot for the three of us. We made our food and sat at the table. We talked and talked. I quietly left to heat the tea kettle and brought enough mugs, tea and sugar for everyone. I wanted tea but it was also a ploy to keep everyone around and talking. It worked! Amanda stayed until her daughter was just too tired. Adam left soon after and it was definitely past our bedtime. It was a great day even with the stress!

Today I learned that filter on a list in Python is totally different than filter on a query set in Django. I have a LOT to learn.