2014.10.04 – Puzzles, Tiny Little Puzzles

I woke up thinking about Travis and why it wouldn’t build. I brushed my teeth but that’s about it and headed down to my computer. I poured a cup of iced coffee and planted myself on the couch. Jekyll should not be throwing ASCII errors because, according to the documentation, the default encoding is supposed to be utf-8. I figured I’d try setting the encoding explicitly in the config file and see if that helped. It sure did! Jekyll was building, HTML-proofer started aaaaaaand… It found 196 failures! Yikes! I tweaked the Rakefile and got the errors down to 35 and started working on those.

I made a running list of errors and fixes:

Initially 196 failures
Fixed mailto error
35 errors
Fixed invalid url
34 errors
Fixed image alt text
10 errors
Fixed more image alt text
6 errors
Fixed yaml syntax on participant index.html
5 errors
Fixed missing / in url
5 errors
Fixed 404 which was apparent after fixing missing /
4 errors
Fixed spaces in file names
2 errors
Fixed missing index page in participant directory
1 error!
Changed path to image from external link to absolute path. Some sort of permissions error on this dir or file. Not sure.
0 errors!

So that was all good and fine. I don’t even know how many commits I made during this process. Anyway, I pushed the test branch up to Github and then got the repo set up with a .travis.yml file so Travis would know to run the automated tests. Failed! But it was nearly time to go pick up Roberto and Frankie from the airport! We hadn’t seen them in over two years so we were really looking forward to their visit. They are interested in possibly moving to Portland and we are very happy to show them around. I got dressed and off we went to my favorite airport.

We came back to the house and gave them the tour. They had a long travel day and we were all pretty hungry. The weather was incredible again so we decided to walk over to a nearby Ethiopian restaurant. Dinner was great and we all ate too much. We walked back home and by this time I had some sourdough that needed some attention. I got the dough kneaded and rising and then came right back to my computer.

I went back to my computer and tried to get Travis to run tests. That took some tweaking of the config file and then finally after a few failed builds it was building and then running tests! And it found 110 failures! Different failures than on my local machine. Huh…I checked config files, data files, application versions….same, same, same. I have no idea what is going on between my home computer and the Github server but something is definitely wrong. I looked and looked and searched and searched but I wasn’t able to figure out what the difference is. There isn’t a ton of documentation so I emailed the author of HTML-proofer to see if they had any ideas. Now I wait….and think and see if I can figure it out.

Today I learned that I can execute a webhook from the Github site to trigger a Travis build.