2014.12.10 – Midway Through Week Two of UA

I got up in time to make the MAX. It was overcast out but the temperature was very nice. I had a crowded but decent ride downtown and then walked to work past our bank so I could get some cash from the ATM. Of course when I got there the ATM was rebooting. I stood around and watched it go through the process, it runs on Windows 7 Professional, and then decided it was taking too long and continued on to work. I got all situated and Jesse showed up shortly after. He had been looking at the requirements.txt issue as well so I talked with him about what was going on and he did a bit of digging and gave me some things to try. I finally got it working! Meanwhile Adam was discussing it with some others on Slack and they came to the conclusion that it should just be left as is. Oh well, I definitely learned stuff by messing with it.

With that ticket closed we had only the Changelog and version ticket to finish and Amanda had taken that one. Adam and Mele came in to work with us on it so we could see how the process is done. We were incrementing the version from 0.6.2 to 0.6.3. It was really a one person thing so I looked over our upcoming tickets while I listened to what they were doing.  I also had a quick docs edit I made so I pushed that up and merged it after I got my +1s.

Our son, Jordan is applying to a code boot camp and was sent a tech challenge. He is just learning Python so I didn’t know how much he could do. Well I’m embarrassed to say he is picking things up SO much faster than I did. He has learned in a few days what took me weeks! I’m really glad he’s getting it though. He sent me what he did for the challenge and it was great. I’m worried they will think he cheated 🙂

We took a break for lunch which was being catered since it was Wednesday. It was SO good! No idea where it was from but I had salad, quinoa and sweet potato something, fingerling potatoes, grilled portobello with chimichurri sauce, bread with balsamic vinegar and oil and there was even a vegan cookie! I ate a lot.

After lunch we got back to work. I was able to merge in my doc changes and Amanda finished up with Adam and got the version updated. It was time to pick a new ticket from our next bug pack. She decided what she was going to work on and then I picked a ticket. Mine involves adding the ability to use channels in Audience. It looked to be pretty easy once Mele went over the details with me. I added the various channel functions that were needed and added some tests as well but when I ran the tests they were failing. It took me a bit but I finally figured out that I had to add the new functions to a couple of init files and then everything was happy.

Wayne was on his way to get me so I packed it up and met him downstairs. We were supposed to go get a tree but my brain was done for the day. I actually took a nap before dinner just to recharge. We had burgers and tots but I wasn’t terribly hungry. Wayne, Andrew, Jordan and I sat around talking about the state of the world today. It was some great conversation but unfortunately we didn’t solve anything.

Today I learned how to write a python script to send API requests. It wasn’t terribly complicated but I hadn’t done exactly that before so…..