2015.01.21 – Finally Getting This Bug Done

I was up and ready to work pretty early this morning. I was staying home which meant I could stay in my PJ’s if I wanted to. I wanted to! I was determined to get somewhere with this bug today. I started with adding a many-to-many field in the locations model and then running a migration. That went quite well. Now I just needed to get this new field to show up in locations. I navigated to locations on my local copy and wha??? Region was there with the regions I had created before for testing. There were buttons for saving changes or cancelling as well. There were even instructions for selecting more than one region for a location. I have no idea how that happened! Obviously I have a lot to learn about Django.

Not wanting to look a gift abstraction in the mouth, I just continued doing what I needed to do. I next had to get the regions showing up on the webpage. It was a little confusing but I poked around and looked at other examples and then asked Andrew a couple of questions and had it working in no time. Awesome! I still need to learn a lot about database queries.

Peter and Richard were having a Vidyo meeting in the afternoon so I got all set up to join them. It was nice to be able to do that! I showed them my progress and they said it looked about ready to go. I loved that I could screen share. We then talked about what I would be working on next. It feels daunting but they will help me when I get stuck so hopefully it won’t be too bad and I will learn a ton.

Andrew, Jordan and I went to a Treehouse Meetup. It was a presentation about Vim. I think Jordan and I both learned a few things even though it covered very basic Vim use. When we got home Wayne had made salad and baked yams. Yum! I love that dinner. Jayde opted for leftover soup and couldn’t believe anyone would actually eat that. She’s not much of a vegetable eater unfortunately.

Today I learned about this handy website for Portland tech jobs. I’ll need one in a few months.