2015.05.04 – May the Fourth Be With You

Today was a busy, busy day full of running all over the place. Wayne and I left with Lauren and dropped her off at a salon where she volunteered to be a hair model. We ran to Trader Joe’s and Hippo Hardware and then rushed back to get her, take her home, and run out to Costco before my doctor appointment. Once we were done with aaaaaaall of that it was nearly 17:00 and I was supposed to meet Alena and hang out with her before her Women Who Code meetup. I hadn’t eaten anything since breakfast though so I was really hungry. I of course had Wayne drop me off at Los Gorditos and then I walked up to the Starbucks where Alena was waiting. We sat outside while I ate and caught up on life and such. I was waiting all day to hear about a job prospect but that wasn’t happening. Soon enough it was time to walk to Portland Code School where here class was taking place. She was teaching and intro to PHP class so I followed along and it’s really not much different than any other object oriented language. It was interesting for sure. After her class Andrew came to get me. Dinner was ready when we got home but I was too full to eat so I checked over my code challenge one last time and sent it off. I had been hoping to get it sent earlier in the day but I was just too busy.

Today I learned that “We will let you know by Monday.” doesn’t mean that at all, even a little.