2015.04.02 – Hello Development Server!

With one final code change and merge my project was moved to the development server! It feels like a loooooong time coming but there it is. Peter immediately found an issue. The incorrect message displays when a logged in user goes straight to the starred page with no starred events. It says loading and never does anything else and that’s not going to work. I got busy figuring out how to fix it. My idea was to put the text in a <div> that can be hidden unless needed. I made the changes and pushed them up. Peter was leaving for the day though so we’ll see what happens tomorrow.

Andrew came to hang out with me because we had a PLUG meeting to go to at 19:00. When I was done working we headed out to find food. We decided we would just walk until we found something but as we were walking I remembered that Andrew hadn’t ever eaten at Boxer Ramen. They only have one vegan dish but it’s really good so we went there. He didn’t like it as much as I do but now he can say he ate there 🙂 We ate all we could (they have huge portions) and then meandered over to PSU where the meeting is held.

Clinton was giving a talk about mp4s, metadata and subtitiles. I bet it would have been an awesome talk if not for the guy who would. not. shut. UP! Ugh! He kept interrupting the speaker, correcting the speaker, explaining things in detail that the speaker was going to present himself. It was super annoying and kind of ruined the presentation for me anyway.

After the talk several people were going to the Lucky Lab on Quimby but I have been so tired every day by like 17:00. I couldn’t even stand the thought of taking the Max home so I called Wayne and asked if he would pick us up. He was happy to and was there in no time. I was so thankful. Straight to bed for me!

Today I learned that Elon Musk can affect his stock price with a simple April Fools Day tweet. Ridiculous!