2015.03.02 – Learn to Remember to Test….the Hard Way

I pushed up my changes so Peter could look them over. I was pretty happy with how things were progressing but yikes, after all the comments I feel like I was off track for sure. There is just so much to consider and I haven’t learned how to do that very well yet I guess.

I read through the comments and began making some changes. When I went to check them out and make sure everything was happy POST didn’t seem to be working. Ugh! I didn’t even think to check it yesterday when I made other changes. I backed out of any new changes and sure enough POST was still broken. What the heck did I do?? I wasn’t getting any sort of error so that was less than helpful. I guess I knew what I would be spending my time on until I figured it out.

That took a long time! I even had lunch in between. It seems my new flag for is_logged_in is the culprit but only in the JavaScript. Now that I’ve spent half the day tracking down the ‘what’ I will probably spend the remainder tracking down the ‘why’. Good times!

I decided to just leave the offending code commented out for now and work on the jQuery serialization issue. I had commented my fix with several alternative fixes but Peter had yet another way. I tried his suggestion but I got HTTP 500 errors. Well hmm…I just put it back the way I had it until we can look at it together.

I spent the rest of the day just trying to wrap my brain around the suggested changes. It was a loooooong day!

Today I learned that a photon was photographed as a particle and a wave at the same time! That’s pretty fucking cool.