2014.08.14 – Beginning again, again.

I’m about to embark on my next adventure. I’m on a quest to become a software developer and I’ll be starting Lukas Blakk’s Ascend Project in September. I feel extremely lucky to be one of 20 people selected for this first cohort in my new hometown of Portland, Oregon. I also feel a little scared.

The Ascend Project is a six week, full time program, created by Lukas and funded by Mozilla. We’ll not only be learning to program but will have help with other things like resume writing and how to deal with impostor syndrome.

Do I really deserve this opportunity? I know I can do really well in this program but surely there must be a ton of people more qualified than I. I don’t think I’m the oldest and I’m certainly not the only woman so that’s good. I just hope someone actually wants to give me a chance and will hire me when I’m all done. I’d be thrilled with a paid internship to begin with just to prove my worth.

Even with all of my doubts and fears, I’m very excited to get started. Onward!

Today I learned that blogging probably isn’t that bad.