2014.12.12 – A Successful Second Week at Urban Airship

My long work day yesterday put me really close to my maximum 40 hours for the week so no matter what I was going to have to leave early. I had a tech team lunch and then a presentation afterward but had gotten in at 08:00 so I was going to have to take a long break before lunch. I suppose it would have been more of a break if I had left the building but that’s my fault.

I had submitted my PR the night before and asked on Slack if anyone was willing to look it over and give me comments but my request got lost in a flurry of messages. It was Phil’s last day as an intern from PSU. He’d been there for five months and had done a lot of work on the Java library. Not too many people use Java there at UA so it had been difficult for him to get the required two +1s on his pull requests so they could be merged. Everyone was scrambling to get this done before he left for good. I asked on Slack if anyone had an Amazon device I could borrow for some testing and we found a Kindle Fire but it was not charged at all. It seemed I wasn’t going to get much done this day. I read through the other tickets and tried to pick my next one.

We headed off to lunch with the tech team. Phil picked Mio Sushi. I hadn’t been there but I seemed to remember that most sushi places had tempura vegetables so I wasn’t too worried about finding food. Sure enough it was on the menu. They were playing Christmas music so I figured this would be the year I lost LDB but I didn’t! We had a nice, LDB free lunch and then rushed back to the office for Phil’s presentation.

Everyone filed into a conference room and Phil showed us what he had been working on while at UA. Java looks so complicated! There were a lot of files and tons of code. I’m thankful I’m working on the Python library 🙂

After the meeting it was time for me to leave so I met Andrew at Collective Agency and we headed home. It was such a beautiful day! The sky was clear and it was warm. We had a nice walk home. As soon as I got home Wayne and I headed out to Target to get some gifts for our Nieces and Nephew. We were having early Christmas since they will be leaving soon to spend the holiday in Arizona. I had ordered them some gifts but somehow messed up the shipping and they wouldn’t arrive in time. We went to a couple of stores and found what we needed. When we were getting ready to walk out of Target it was raining pretty hard. Still being somewhat new to Portland I was not expecting that! It was nice though.

We stopped at New Seasons and grabbed some stuff for dinner. We decided on ravioli, salad and bread. Jason and Alice stopped by to say hello so we talked for a while as Wayne made dinner and Jayde and her friend Estelle made some sort of variation of a chocolate chip cookie. They rolled out the dough and used cookie cutters and then decorated them with chocolate chips. I was really wanting regular chocolate chip cookies so I guess I will have to make them myself.

After dinner we watched Nightcrawler. I fell asleep and missed most of it so will have to watch it again.

Today I learned that I’m glad I’m not a Java programmer.