2014.10.12 – A Little Downtime

I slept in a bit this morning and had no plans for the day. This is pretty rare. I was going to spend some time with Rosetta Stone and get in some reading. It was a little chilly in the house so I asked Wayne to start a fire. Andrew gave me a hard time about this. It was probably not really that cold but a fire seemed like it would be nice. Jason stopped by to talk about his basement project, saw the fire and promptly planted himself in front of it. Vindication!

I just got all cozy when Lauren asked if I had any plans. We hadn’t done anything together in so long. I told her we should go get lunch so off I went to shower and get ready. We headed downtown and went to Los Gorditos. It’s just so good I wanted it again. Our lunch was great and afterward we stopped by Sephora so she could get something she needed. We headed home and part way there I remembered she wanted coffee. Oh well, too late now.

Once we got home Andrew asked if I would go to REI with him to look for a coat. Sure thing. Lauren wanted to go as well so back downtown we went. He tried on a couple of coats and found just the one he liked. I looked at clothes and found a really nice, cozy shirt. I looked at the price though and couldn’t believe one shirt could cost so much $$$! We were able to stop for coffee before heading home so Lauren was extra happy.

Once I got home, someone tweeted that the Ascend Project didn’t have an RSS feed. I decided I’d work on that while Wayne made dinner. Michael was going to eat with John and Spencer so he could spend time with them before he headed home so I sat and talked with them for a bit before they left for dinner.

Andrew and Wayne were going to make and bottle hot sauce before dinner so I knew I’d have plenty of time to just sit and work on the RSS thing. I saw that the Ascend repo had a feed.xml so really all it needed was a link for those who didn’t know how to try to browse to it. I didn’t see a reference to the Twitter account on the website either so I figured I may as well add that too while I was at it. I found a really simple Twitter follow bar code embed thingy, pretty sure that’s the technical name, and generated the code for that. I then searched for a mostly matching sort of RSS subscribe bar image. I picked one I thought looked ok and then made a snippet page, updated the templating on a couple of pages and it was done. It was ugly though! I’m really not a designer so hopefully another Ascender now or in the future will take that ball and run with it.

The guys ended up with three different kinds of hot sauce! Wayne quickly made burgers and they were ready just about the time John and Spencer were back with Michael. They sat with us while we had dinner and then we ended up talking until about 22:00.

Today I learned that I really suck at figuring out CSS.