2014.12.04 – Happy Birthday Natale

Today is our youngest son’s fifteenth birthday! It was still a work and school day and I leave before he gets up so I didn’t get to wish him a happy birthday in the morning.  Andrew and I left for the MAX and it was pretty darned cold out and a bit rainy. I walked with him to his office and then made my way up to UA. It was just after 08:00 so not many people were in. I got situated in our little glass room and started messing with Android Studio. I wanted to send notifications to my phone. It went well and was not as exciting as I thought it would be since it was pretty much like sending to the tablet 🙂

Mele arrived as did Amanda. Mele was going to sit with us as much as she could so we could ask questions. I asked her how to use curl on the command line to send push notifications so she showed me the example page and I did a few of those. I was done messing with the mobile apps so asked Mele some questions about the bugs we were to work on. She went over them and I picked one to start with. It involved removing some code and tests so it was probably going to be a pain.

I was leaving early so I wouldn’t work over 40 hours and since Andrew was downtown we decided to meet for lunch. Yep, Los Gorditos. Amanda joined us and we had lots of great nerd conversation while we ate. We headed home and Amanda headed back to UA. Wayne started a fire when we got home and I made myself some tea. Nearly a full week in a new position while lots of fun is also stressful and I was starting to feel it so it was nice to sit by the fire and relax a bit.

Roberto and Frankie were over and would be staying for Natale’s birthday dinner. Wayne had taken them to Ikea to shop for new furniture. Natale came home from school so I could finally wish him a happy birthday! Soon Taylor and Delaney arrived as did Alice and Jason. Jayde and her friend Estelle decided to put on a play for everyone. It was really random and parts of it were actually hilarious. I helped Wayne make spicy garlic noodles for dinner. It’s always a favorite and it came out especially well this time.Everyone was stuffed but we still brought out the cake and Natale opened his presents. Alice and Jason gave him some really cool stuff and he seemed pretty happy about that.

2014-12-04 21.01.31

Even though it was a school night and Natale has trouble getting up in the morning we let him stay up and go over to Alice and Jason’s to watch The Giver. I was just not feeling very social so I bowed out and went to bed early.

Today I learned that although there are significantly more Apple mobile devices than Android they are quite a bit more difficult to set up and provision to receive push notifications.