2014.10.20 – Back to Reality

Today I woke up late and this alone reminds me that it’s really over. I’m not in a rush to get up and dressed so I stay in my pj’s as long as possible. Usually I would love this but today it makes me sad. I think of our co-leaders and my classmates and wonder what their new morning routine is. I wonder how they are feeling. I miss them!

I decide that I should clean my desk and make it a place to work. Months of neglect have left it piled high with papers that need to be filed and books I intend to read “someday”. I start to work through the mess and find the stickers I have been saving to put on my new laptop. I set them aside again. It’s not time. I sit at my desk and look out the window. The clouds moving quickly by, parting here and there to let in huge swaths of sunlight. The beauty of it all makes me teary once again. I can hardly believe this is my wonderful life.

I take a deep breath and get back to work. I take care of a couple of nagging tasks that weren’t as important as focusing on Ascend and if feels good to have them out of the way. I can finally see the surface of my desk. That’s enough for one day. I am meeting a friend for lunch. I haven’t seen him in quite some time so I’m looking forward to it and to lunch. We are meeting at Los Gorditos!

I shower and dress, happy to see that Wayne has washed my favorite shirt. I just wore it but I don’t care and put it on again. He jokingly complains that he just hung it up. He’s so good to me. To our whole family. I have some time before I have to go so I check my email and see that Peter has written back about my pull requests. He has a few changes he would like me to make. I think I have time so I grab my laptop and try to quickly fix things up. Past experience has proven that rushing is never a good idea and this time is no exception.

I accidentally commit two files together that should have been separate commits and of course push those up to my repo. Well now what?! I ask Andrew how I might undo that hoping he has a quick answer for me. He says, “Don’t do that.” and then tells me how I should undo it. I try what he says which is to rename the file I didn’t mean to commit, git rm the file I didn’t mean to commit, git commit –amend, rename the file, make a separate commit for it, git push -f to overwrite the remote repo. This doesn’t work. Git won’t allow me to rm the file since it doesn’t exist anymore. This makes sense to me but does not make sense to Andrew. I quickly search how else I might fix this since Andrew is working and I have bothered him enough. I see that git reset –soft HEAD^ would get me back to before I made the commit. I did that, unstaged the files, committed one at a time and force pushed to my remote. Whew! But now I was too late to take the Max downtown.

Wayne was nice enough to drive me downtown. I met Christopher and we had a really nice lunch. It wasn’t long before his work was calling him though needing him to hurry back and take care of some task. We said our goodbyes and I considered stopping by to say hello to Katt since I was right around the corner but I figured that might be a bad idea. The office was really looking forward to a bit of a break from the six weeks of us all being there so I took a slow walk to the Max enjoying this path that has become so familiar to me.

It was a beautiful day, raining off and on, clouds parting and warm sunshine enhancing the tree’s fall wardrobe. I can’t get over how beautiful it is here. I chat with a man on the Max who explains, as we look at the Morrison Bridge drawn open for a ship, the various histories of our Portland draw bridges. This unexpected conversation makes me happy to be on this particular train, headed home.

I get home and find that Peter has merged in my changes! Two bugs done for Air Mozilla. Of course I ask for another. Peter mentions he has just the bug for me but I’d need to wait a few minutes while he files it. I’m excited for my next challenge!  He gives me bug 1085660 and I get to work right away reading it over. I’ve learned not to be intimidated by phrasing that sounds confusing and to just take things one small bit at a time.

The rest of my day flows along as I work on the bug, get some sourdough started for dinner tomorrow, do a few things around the house, and work on transferring files off of my old laptop. Alice comes by to pick up Ladybug and invites us to come watch a movie after we eat. Jason is out of town overnight so we can pick a movie he would not want to watch.

We eat delicious burritos. Wayne makes the best refried beans and Andrew’s hot sauces are amazing. I try not to eat too much though because we also get popcorn! Andrew makes a big bowl of popcorn and we head over to Alice’s. We decide to watch Battle: Los Angeles and it was really good. Not a lot of story line but a ton of action to make up for it. I stayed awake for the whole thing so that was good.

Today I learned how to fix my own Git issue and not completely panic.