2015.06.03 – Doctors and More Doctors

But not for me! It seems like we are all getting this or that done. I had to take Natale to the doctor in the morning. He’s really been struggling with the emotions associated with puberty so this gave us some time to talk about things one-on-one.

I tend to expect a lot from him because he’s intelligent and he works hard. He hasn’t been working very hard and has been making some really unintelligent choices lately so I get frustrated. He said my reaction makes it difficult for him to talk to me. This just isn’t good. I decided then to make him a promise that I would not react to anything he told me even if it made me mad. I told him I might have to walk away and process but I would not react. He promised that he would talk to me even when it felt really scary. I hope this new way of doing things helps improve our communication.

I spent the afternoon working with Lauren and helping her set up a development environment. We got her all set up with Git and Github and I showed her how to initialize a repository, stage her changes, commit them and then push them up to Github. She picked it up easily. We also got her vimrc and bash_profile all customized and she was pretty happy with that.

Andrew had to go back for a repeat MRI waaaaay out in SE Portland. He had to be there at 16:15 so we were stuck in traffic most of the way there. It was raining so it was even worse. We finally made it and the place was packed! They called Andrew up and he came back shortly and said I needed to go with him. Apparently the MRI place decided not to take his insurance any longer so he would have to find a different place to get it done. What?!?! Why? and why are they just now telling us?! She apologized and said they had just gotten the email and that his previous MRI would be covered. She also said a woman was going to help us find a different place that would take his insurance. She handed me a card and told us to call her. We headed back home in even worse traffic and were nearly home when Andrew’s phone rang. Ooooops! They made a mistake! They don’t take his insurance any longer but this is a re-do of the last one so there is no charge. Can we come back? Well shit! I wanted to tell them no but we were leaving for a week and we wanted this done sooner than later so we turned around and headed back in even worse traffic since now it was after 17:00. They were super nice and very sorry though and I understand that kind of thing happens. They got him right in and out and we were back on our way home. Whew! There was still traffic but we were kind of used to it by then.

Wayne made us yummy vegan BLTAs for dinner. I only took half since we were watching a movie later and Andrew was going to make popcorn. Alice came over and we watched Philomena. It’s based on a true story. It was sad but the flow was kind of off. Or maybe I was still off. It wasn’t terrible but not fantastic either.

Today I learned about Vim Awesome.

2015.06.02 – Today is Unclear

I was having a minor outpatient procedure today but that meant no food or water until afterward. Boo! I kept myself preoccupied by reading until it was time to head to the hospital. I wasn’t sure how things would go but it was a bit more involved than I had anticipated. I got my own room, changed into a gown and got in a bed. I was covered in nice warm blankets and the nurse started an IV. Wayne and I watched HGTV until it was time for them to take me away. They said I’d be awake but sedated. I guess that’s what happened because I don’t remember shit. I woke up back in my room pretty confused and was sort of in and out of it even while getting dressed to go home. I was completely unaware of being in the recovery room. I kind of remember the drive home I think. I took a nap for a couple of hours when we got home but was pretty much back to myself by the time people started showing up for dinner night.

Alice and Wayne made a DELICIOUS, partly because it was my first meal in 2 days and partly because it was DELICIOUS, stir-fry and some yummy rice, barley, radish seed mix from Trader Joe’s. Tonight we had Taylor, Delaney, Jason, Alice, the six of us, John and Spencer.

Today I learned that twilight sleep is not what I had imagined.

2015.06.01 – Sickish Day

I spent the day doing nothing but listening to podcasts and reading. It was rainy and cold so it seemed like a perfect day to be under the weather.

Today I learned about implementing social login. Pretty interesting!

2015.05.31 – Busy Day

Today was just a lot of running around. Andrew and I walked to The Arbor Lodge coffee shop which I had been wanting to try since we moved here two years ago. I wish I had gone sooner. Their chai is home brewed from a spice mix and not a pre-made syrup. It was every bit as good as Spella! Andrew said his espresso was really good too so that’s saying a lot. We stopped in New Seasons for a couple of things and then meandered home stopping to chat with a neighbor who makes his own wine. Nice guy!

Andrew did a run through of his talk he is giving at YAPC and I gave him some suggestions and then we had to run up to Vancouver to see about getting our posters framed. That was a pain in the ass. Way too many choices! We got it all figured out and paid for though so there’s that.

We came home for a short time and then had to drive out to Beaverton which is really only about 8 miles away but feels really far, and meet Dave for dinner and general hanging out. He had just returned from Lake Havasu where he was helping his mom pack her house and move in with them. We went to an Indian restaurant right by their house and sat outside. The weather was perfect! We sat out there for quite some time before giving up our table so others could enjoy it. We walked to Dave’s house and found Alena and the kids outside with the neighbors and their kids. We all stood around and talked for a while before noticing how late it was. These summer nights are deceiving.

Today I learned that a 92 year old became the oldest woman to finish a marathon!