2015.03.17 – St. Patrick’s Day

The car had to go in for routine maintenance today and I was making homemade sourdough bread so it seemed like a good day to work from home. I had pushed up my latest changes and let Peter know so he could look them over. Once that was done we headed to the dealership. While we were out I needed to run by the bank and we needed to get groceries for Dinner Night. We were having lasagne and it’s a bit time consuming to prepare and assemble even without pre-boiling the noodles.

By the time we got back home I had to get my bread rising and by the time I got that done it was time to go get the car. By the time I got back home with the car it was time to start dinner. I got very little coding done today but I did get a nice list of comments from Peter so I would have a lot to work on tomorrow.

Wayne and I got the lasagne and bread in the oven and Alice came over shortly after that to make the salad. Lisa from Urban Airship arrived so Wayne took her on a tour of our house while Alice and I made a peach cobbler. Dinner wasn’t done too terribly late! Tonight we had the six of us, Lisa, Alice, Jason, Spencer, John, Miri, Dale, and Baby Michael.

Today I learned homemade bisquick doesn’t taste as good as the real thing even though it’s not as full of crap.