2015.02.28 – Lunch and a Movie and a Movie

Today Andrew and I went to lunch with Christopher. We finally went to the new Los Gorditos near my house. I have to say it was extremely disappointing! My food was awful and had I never eaten at a Los Gorditos before I would never return. I won’t be going to that location any time soon but it’s probably for the best anyway since I’d find too many excuses to go there if it had been great.

After lunch Christopher and I watched Fight Club. I hadn’t seen it before and I’m not really sure what I was expecting, not much I guess, but the movie was fantastic! There was a lot more to it than I had imagined.

I went to the store for dinner ingredients and then spent the early afternoon reading Eloquent JavaScript while Wayne made a huge pot of chick’n noodle soup. Alice and Jason came for dinner and then we went to their house to watch Star Trek: Revenge of Khan in honor of the passing of Leonard Nimoy. It was fitting for sure.

Today I learned that there is a beautiful magnolia tree just two houses down from us. I have been trying to point one out to Jordan for a couple of weeks but we always drive the other way down our street.