2015.02.11 – A For Loop Is the Answer

I was back downtown today. The office was pretty quiet so I was able to spend the better part of my day trying to figure out why I couldn’t get a test to pass. One of my values was being returned as a string. I was just trying to get back what I was sending in a POST request but it wasn’t working. I put print statements everywhere trying to track it down and it was just baffling me. How are some of these really simple things such a mystery?!

Kronda came down in the afternoon and lunch was delicious so that helped. I took a break from tests and worked on the templates. Well, that’s an entirely different puzzle. Templating is really cool but still a bit tricky for me. I have to imagine how I want the page to look and then figure out how to write the template so all of the data is pulled in and put in the proper place. I suck at front end design type stuff so hopefully I can just get something sorta kinda ok and have someone else with a good eye fix it up or give me suggestions. The goal is to allow a user to star events they want to watch later and then be able to navigate to a page with a list of all of their starred events.

Jordan came to Mozilla after his class and hung out until Wayne picked us up. I was having dinner with my friend Shanna so Wayne dropped me off at her house. She was cooking and I brought dessert. I grabbed some cupcakes from Cupcake Jones. I only got them because I had a gift certificate from our dentist of all people! Anyway, they were ridiculously expensive so I’m glad I didn’t pay for them but they were tasty. They have vegan cream cheese frosting down.

Shanna made an amazing dinner of homemade bbq seitan with broccoli and asian noodles. Yum! I ate a lot and then tried to have some cupcake. We talked about all sorts of stuff. She has a lot of wonderful things coming up in her future. She’s getting married! She’s opening a drum school! I totally want to take lessons from her. Shanna was in code school with me. We had a ton of fun together and worked on an iOS phone app while we were between jobs/school. We definitely don’t get to hang out enough.

Shanna dropped me of at home and everyone else was just about to eat dinner. I ran around looking for some paperwork I needed for our taxes while they ate. I never found it though. Taxes, grrrr! After dinner we watched some Dr. Who.

Today I learned that I needed to loop through my view method for starring events and convert my values to integers instead of strings. SO simple yet so elusive to my newbie brain. I know now though. Sheesh.